Kids Program

Kids of all ages 3-17 can find their happy place thanks to Norwegian's complimentary youth programs – Splash Academy and Entourage. Alongside Norwegian’s well-trained staff, your children will experience a wide range of exciting activities with kids and teens their own age. And while they’re having the time of their lives, you can too, knowing they’re in a safe and supervised environment.

Youth Programs are offered fleetwide with the exception of Norwegian Spirit, which does not offer Youth Programs onboard. 

Guppies Open Play 

For the littlest cruisers, the Guppies Open Play offers a play space for parents to interact with their infants/ babies/toddlers 6 months - under 3 years old and/or children in diapers. Please refer to the onboard Guppies activity program for the location, dates, and times. The schedule varies per ship and itinerary.

Splash Academy (Ages 3-12)

The Splash Academy offers interest-based and flexible-programming options for children ages 3 - 12, where they can play together and choose their favorite activities offered at the interest-based stations.

For safety purposes, younger cruisers will have a dedicated Younger Ones’ Choice station offering a variety of interest-based and age-appropriate activities.

Children must be at least three (3) years old to participate in Splash Academy based on the date of birth at the time of sailing according to the ship's manifest. No exceptions can be made.

  • Children turning three (3) years old are welcome to register for and participate in the Splash Academy on their birthday. 

Entourage (Ages 13-17)

Run off and play while your teenagers hang out in a place filled with video games, movies, arts, music, sports and people their own age. From the coolest lounge at sea to the hippest dance club at night, there’s always something going on at our teen centers. Best of all, it’s all complimentary and supervised.*

*Some teen centers are used as a hangout when program is not in session and may not be supervised but are under surveillance.

  • Teens can show off their creativity and personality with our crazy music jams through dancing, singing, or by just being artsy through creating balloon sculptures or graffiti masterpieces.
  • Experience the latest in gaming or kick back and relax with a movie.
  • Hit the court. It is time for dodgeball, soccer, basketball….you name it we play it. Test your skills against the Teen Counselor!
  • Every night is a party! Dress to the nines and come in style. Check out College Night, White Hot Party, and Glow. Entourage is the place to be. The themes vary from ship to ship.

Children turning thirteen (13) years old during the cruise are welcome to register and participate in the Entourage program on Embarkation Day.

  • Teens turning eighteen (18) years old during the cruise are legal adults and will no longer be eligible for Entourage on their birthday.

Late Night Fun Zone

Late Night Fun Zone (LNFZ) is a group sitting service for children ages 3-12 years old run by the Youth Staff.

All activities take place in Splash Academy. The LNFZ Group Sitting charge is $6 USD per hour, per child and $4 USD per hour for each additional sibling in the immediate family. Charges are applied directly to the guest's onboard account.

Children must be at least three (3) years old and fully potty trained (no diapers or pull-ups) to participate in LNFZ services based on the date of birth at the time of sailing according to the ship's manifest. No exceptions can be made.

The Youth Staff is not able to assist children in the washrooms or change diapers which include but is not limited to pulling up/ down pants, buttoning/unbuttoning pants, and wiping assistance.

In the event there is a health and/ or sanitary concern, the child will be instructed/ guided into clean clothes until the parent, DOPUP, or legal guardian can be reached. 
Children will be dismissed from the program if they are found to be in diapers or pull-ups, or experience any bathroom accidents.

  • LNFZ is scheduled nightly from 10pm – 12am.
  • It is requested that children are signed up in advance for the desired service. If no children are signed up or dropped off by 10:30pm, the venue will close for the evening.

The Youth Staff
The Youth Staff is carefully chosen from Education and Recreation programs at their University. Your child will like the Youth Staff because they are fun. Actually, they are experts in fun-they design specialized activities for all ages. And they'll keep a constant watch over your children to make you happy. Not to mention, each staff member is CPR and First Aid certified, so your child will be safe and secure at all times. Plus, they're trained in communication and confidence building, too.

Splash Academy Specifics & Restrictions
A few things you need to know before the good times begin:

  • Splash Academy and Entourage are adult free zones.
  • On all ships, a one-time digital registration form is to be completed by a parent or guardian (if child is not traveling with their parent) for each child/teen age 3 - 17. Children/teens can then participate as frequently as they choose during operating hours. Norwegian requests that you let the Youth Staff know if your child has allergies and/or is taking any medications by noting this on the Registration Form.
  • Identification bracelets must be worn by the child throughout the duration of the cruise. Bracelet reprints/ replacements will result in a $5 (Splash Academy) and a $20 (Entourage) fee charged to the guest's onboard account. Please bring the original wristband to a Youth or Teen Counselor.  
  • Children must wear dry clothing and footwear to participate in the programs.
  • Opening and closing times along with activities are subject to change.
    • Hours of operation are posted at the venue entrance. Late pick-up fees of $1.00 per minute, per child, will apply if the child(ren) is/ are not picked up on time.
    • Abusive lateness could result in dismissal from the program in addition to the fees.
  • Your child will be assigned to an age group based on his/her age at sailing. If they have a birthday while at sea, only then they are moved up. Sorry, no exceptions can be made-this helps keep your child safe.
  • A parent(s) can authorize their 10-12 year old to sign themselves in and out of the program after 2 hours of active participation. It is recommended that a parent/ legal guardian make the first drop-off to meet the Youth Staff. In order to sign themselves in and out of the program the 10–12-year-old must have their key card and identification bracelet. 
  • Sorry, Norwegian is not able to have one-on-one care within the Youth Programs.
  • The Youth Staff is not able to assist children in the washrooms or change diapers which include but is not limited to pulling up/ down pants, buttoning/ unbuttoning pants, and wiping assistance. All children must be fully potty trained and must be able to use the bathroom fully on their own. The child cannot be wearing diapers or pull-ups.
  • Youth/ Teens with signs and/ or symptoms of illness will be directed to the medical team for evaluation and possible isolation. Written clearance by the medical staff is needed before being admitted or readmitted into Youth/ Teen Programs.
  • The Youth Staff are not allowed to accept heavily crying or sleeping children into the program including Late Night Fun Zone (LNFZ). The children must be able to enter the program willingly.  
    • If a child falls asleep during complimentary sessions the staff is directed to call or page the parent for pick up.
    • The Youth Staff makes every effort to care for our younger cruisers; however, the staff are directed to call the parent in the event their child has been crying for at least 15 minutes.
  • Please let the staff know if your child has allergies or note any medications on their registration. The staff has snacks and will need to know.

Safety and Emergency Information
Relax-it's your job to have fun and Norwegian’s job to keep your kids happy and safe. Every child in the Program receives an ID bracelet with their name, stateroom number, emergency station, allergies, and medications listed. If an emergency does occur, the Youth Staff is responsible for the mustering of the child in their care and bringing them to safety at the Child Muster Station. There, you can claim your child. All unclaimed children will be taken to the secondary station and distributed to their assigned lifeboat stations.

Youth Program Discipline Policy

4-Step Discipline Policy for 3-12 years of age:

  • Step 1: Warning: The Youth staff addresses the child, and it is explained that his/ her behavior is unacceptable and needs to be improved immediately.
  • Step 2: Time out: If the child continues to disobey the Youth Staff, a time out is issued, and the parents are notified at pick-up time, or via a phone call.
  • Step 3: Suspension: If a time-out is not effective in eliminating the inappropriate behavior, the parents are located, and the child is dismissed from the program for 24 hours. After 24 hours the child is welcome to return to the program.
  • Step 4: Dismissal: Once the child is allowed back into the program after the initial dismissal, if any disobedient behaviors continue, the child will no longer be allowed to participate for the remainder of the cruise.

Depending on the nature of the behavior, the more severe behaviors may warrant a higher discipline as deemed appropriate by the Youth Program Manager.

Discipline Policy for 13-17 years of age:

  • Step 1: Verbal Warning: Teenagers exhibiting inappropriate behavior will be asked to stop immediately.
  • Step 2: 24-Hour Dismissal with Parent/ Ship Security Notification: If the inappropriate behavior does not stop, he/ she will be dismissed from the Entourage program and venue for 24 hours. Parents and Ship Security will be notified.
  • Immediate Dismissal: Any teenager exhibiting violence, vandalism or intoxication will result in immediate dismissal for the entire sailing. Parents and Ship Security will be notified.

Family Activities
Towering waterslides. Multiple swimming pools. Tubing and splash parks. Soak it all in. Take the plunge on some of the fastest drop slides at sea. Splash the day away in the interactive Kids' Aqua Park.

The family that plays together stays together! From activities like the fan-favorite game show Music Mania to the brain-teasing Beat Your Bedtime to dance tournaments to sports competitions and more, you’ll have endless ways to make memories — and laughs — for the whole gang.

There’s something for everyone on all of our ships — families can stay busy from dusk till dawn, then wake up and start anew. Step into a virtual world at our video arcade, Galaxy Pavilion. Play nine holes of Mini Golf as you sail over the ocean. Capture aliens as a family with a round of Laser Tag. Bring on the competition with sports ranging from bocce ball and pickle ball to subsoccer and basketball. Together or apart, it’s always time for play time!

Family Friendly Accommodations
The staterooms are designed with your family in mind - just the way you like them.

Family Dining
Let them eat cake. And tacos. And steak. And sushi. You’ll find every cuisine imaginable on all of our ships, so there’s no such thing as a picky eater out here. Combine this much variety with our famous complimentary buffet, main dining rooms and Free Specialty Dining with Free At Sea, and you’ll be wishing there were more meals in a day. Best part, kids under 12 eat free at all of our specialty restaurants!

Entourage Specifics & Restrictions

  • Activities are flexible and subject to change based on participants.
  • Norwegian reserves the right to cancel if no teen shows within the first 15 minutes of the scheduled activity. Teens will meet at the next scheduled activity.
  • Teens not feeling well need to visit the medical center before being admitted to the program.
  • Guardians must alert the Youth Staff of any allergies, medications or special needs of their teen when registering.
  • All Teens are responsible for any personal items brought to activities and events.
  • Norwegian strongly encourages that no teenagers go ashore alone in the ports of call.

Teen Safety & Emergency Information
Teens are responsible for reporting to their assigned emergency stations in the event of a ship emergency. Crewmembers throughout the vessel are trained to assist those in need.

Teens participating in Norwegian’s youth programs are prohibited from smoking, drinking alcohol, and using profanity while attending Teen activities. Violence and vandalism will not be tolerated, ever.

A Teen exhibiting inappropriate behavior will be asked to stop immediately. If they do not stop, they will be dismissed from the activity. After dismissal, Parents and the ship's Security will be notified. Any behavior reported to a Youth Staff member taken outside of the Teen Program will also be reported to Security. Teens should be advised that all public areas are under 24-hour surveillance.

** All events and activities are subject to change.

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